The Diary of Me, Day 1

I was thinking, again, "Hey, why not just write, like anything?". Maybe I'm just too lazy, or maybe I'm just not into it at the moment, but still, I should have written something. So, first entry. It is sunny today. I can see the hospital in front of my office building. I sit in front of the window, pretty close to the edge. Sometimes I try to see what's below and feel the urge to jump, but thankfully there's thick glass. But it's normal, I think. Turns out, this urge has a name. The call of the void (in French, l'appel du vide) describes this impulse to hurl yourself into, well, a void. I think that's it for today. O, I finished my task earlier than expected. And I try to not mind the yellow lines in grammarly to correct my sentences anymore, except for the red lines for my typos. L'appel du vide is a pretty good name for a book. Maybe I'll try to write that also. Yes, I know, this is how I sound inside my head, jumping around. Not in one place at a time, and this is my normal. And at least I can differentiate there and their and your and you're, for fuck's sake, how can it be that difficult.


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